Monday 20th October 2014, Grand Mint Festival, Seoul, South Korea

(Taken by Chris Lewis)
On Saturday 18th October, Incognito played at the Grand Mint Festival in Seoul, South Korea. We always look forward to playing in Korea - anyone who's played there knows that the audience reaction is off the scale - think Beatles circa 1966! It's quite a treat... performing has never been so easy because the energy of the crowd is so positive, you simply have to give it back!

We shared the stage with D Sound (from Oslo, Norway) and the Brand New Heavies. We share history with both bands. Apart from sharing horn sections with the Heavies on a regular basis, many of us have played and recorded with each other (for example, the Heavies' Jan Kincaid plays drums on Incognito's 'Goodbye To Yesterday.') Also D Sound and Incognito toured Europe together back in 2005 when I joined the band. Tony still writes with D Sound from time to time. So it was quite a party!

With Jonny, Kim and Simona from D Sound

Imaani and Tony walk out front during N.O.T.

With Jonny Sjo, bassist from D Sound